Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fire extinguisher prac

Are there true friends out there? I wonder....

FEN Practical yesterday! Fun Fun to play with Fire extinguisher.. Although I didn't play with it la. But it is still fun watching classmates playing with it! Some pictures taken during the practical..

Red pipes all over.. (Fire resistance pipe?) :/ >>

>> Found the red pipe nice so I took it down. But don't really know what is that. :S

Standing outside the glass room >>

>> Our "relief teacher" for the day! Mr Chan is attending a meeting so he can't come. :( Heard that this teacher will be teaching us FSM next year.. :)

Fire extinguisher >>

>> Black fire extinguisher is empty while red one is full. At first, the teacher spray the empty one out. Super duper loud! The one that is full is not that loud. Phew...

Went to canteen 4 yesterday during our 2 hours break. Tried their steak there.. Yum Yum! Better than Makan Place one which was sometimes tasteless, sometimes super salty, Sometimes can't cut thru.. This is super cheap somemore. It's at a price of $3.90! Tell me, where can you get this kind of price? Hahas. Saw Benny and Daniel yesterday there too. They say it was rare to see me there. Yup.. First time going there yesterday. ^^ Pictures I've taken past few days.

Steak >>

>> Even the pictures look Yummy right?

Cha Kway Tiao that Daddy bought for dinner >>

>> Nicee! I think he bought at Lavender there..

Midnight gaming ban for young south Koreans news >>

>> If it happen at Singapore, will the guys able to take it? O.O

My iphone was 16gb and I've already used up 14gb. Not good! I thought it would be too much for me. :( Hahas.. Quickly watch finish after the Common Test and Delete it! Hahas..

Yea.. Common Test.. Sad case.. Starts from 13 Dec to 17 Dec.. Monday to Friday.. EVERYDAY! Oh Craps. Dono how am I going to study.. This may be the last post till 17 Dec.. :'( I think calculations part is ok. Not the theory wise.. If I got a super duper good memory, I won't be worrying right now. :(

Meiyi's mum just called. Meiyi is sick. No tuition today! But where am I going to eat my lunch later? Hmm..

After posting this post and watching 1 episode of drama, I'll do my assignment and tutorials and STUDY! Cannot drag anymore. Lols.. Trust me. I'll Study like mad today.. ^^ :'(

Tomorrow is just nice, Daddy's birthday.. Celebrating for him at Swensen? Chris is joining us too ^^ So many years since I had eaten Swensen. :/ What's nice there?

Hope I can score good for my common test. At least must pass!


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