Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Suay day...

>> Just for laughs.. Taken when I'm walking on the Tracks

Yes.. You didn't hear wrongly.. I'm stuck on the LRT today.. :( Remembered I had the experience of having stuck in the lift for 1hr, stuck in the MRT for 30minutes and etc.. Seriously, my course should not teach me on how to maintain the facilities. It should be teaching how to rescue yourself when you're stuck. ==

Below is a photo filled post.

Went for Manicure today at Bukit Panjang Plaza.. Wanna try it for fun.. :) Shiok man! People help you apply the nail polish, help you file your nails till pretty pretty. Just that the waiting time after everything was done was not so pleasant :/

My Lovely Green Manicure >>

>> Took it while I'm stuck on the LRT.. Since I've nothing to do anyway

My Stuck in LRT story today: one more stop and I'll reach home and yet, I'm stuck. How unlucky can that be. :/ I thought it'll be only for awhile (had this experience once) hence, I didn't bother. Until 15 minutes later, I believed that I won't be out so soon, I took out my laptop and started to do my Assignment. Pro right? Everyone was looking at me with a shocked face. O.O LOLS! Didn't care and I continued to do my stuff. The air con broke down too. Hence, the gentlemen on the Lrt, pushed open the door to let fresh air come in. Different age group were on the train, mostly elderly and children. The older one nag and the younger one cry. Haiz. Cannot concentrate on my things and I switched off my com. After awhile, one uncle believed to be in his 80s shitted accidentally on his pants. Don't know if he's sick or he cannot tolerate. Haiz.. Luckily, people came rescuing after that.. See, so much things can happen within 1hr. (and I'm super urgent when I'm stuck! Cannot go toilet even! ><") Photos taken when I'm stuck >>

>> Elderly that nags.. :/

>> The distance is quite high between the train and the tracks

>> My leg - prove that I'm walking on the track. LOL

>> Tracks.. Very rarely you can take pictures of the tracks from this view isn't it?

>> This two guy in front of me ask me to help them take pictures for them Like going for a tour sia!

>> Finally reaching.

When I reached home, it rains. Luckily it rained after I reach home or I'll be like filming in dramas. Walking under the rain and on the tracks. Can say that I'm 60% lucky and 40% suay huh~

Before this dramatic incident, the manicure I had earlier on.

Filling of nails >>

Before the manicure, this is how my fingernails looked like >>

>> White! The aunty doing my manicure said I applied it well. ==" In the process, She keep asking me sign the $48 package, ask me buy nail polish ($29.90 mind you) and ask me buy other stuff. ==" I DON'T want! I told her. In the end, I paid for what I'm supposed to pay for, $6. Hahas! I think it's considered cheap for manicure already la. Pretty "good experience" I have there. ^^

Photos taken earlier this week..

Me and Meiyi >>

Lunch today with Yazhu: Ma Po Ramen >>

>> Super nice! Must try! @ Makan Place, beside the nasi lemak stall. I forgot the stall name ==

Pouch for putting pads - for girls >>

Inside of the pouch >>

>> Super cute right? Can put 3 inside ^^

Floral bag >>

>> Super cheap and cute. It's the last day there so it's on promo!

My super cute rabbit key chain that comes together with the bag >>

Orange earrings >>

Green earrings >>

>> I realized that my ears not sensitive to any kind of earrings now. weird huh. So I bought earrings! 50 cent each. Cheap! (Just in case it's sensitive again, I won't feel so heart pain. :'))

Star clip for my fringe >>

My colourful keyboard more colourful after Daddy adds masking tape on it >>

>> Can't see clearly?

There you go >>

>> The masking tape is meant for the full screen, brightness control and volume control. Pro right. Luckily the keyboard protector can be taken out. If not.. I won't dare to bring my lappy out! Lols.

Common test dates are out.. It kills. All side by side.. == Don't know how I'm going to cope with that. I don't want to flunk! :'(

My life is full of dramas.. Colourful and black and white sometimes..

Weather is so cooling this few days. Feel like hugging dear.. :/ Hope I'll see him tomorrow. Pray that he'll finish his things early..


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